Herm Updates from Dr. Jackson

Good morning, Panthers! Please view the updates and reminders for this week. Today is Day 1, and students will attend periods 1, 3, 5, and 7.

  • ACCESS Testing - We will operate in a Secure Testing Environment as selected students complete the ACCESS Test on Monday and Tuesday. Congratulations in advance Panthers!

  • Career Mega Sale - This event will be held on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. at the Adult Education Center at Regency -  1420 N Parham Rd, Richmond, VA 23229.  This is a major event and we would love for as many Panthers seeking full-time employment in June to attend as possible.

  • Community Forum -  Please join us for our weekly Community Forum Wednesday at 7:00 via Microsoft Teams.  We will discuss all things Hermitage and hope to see you there!

  • Online Health & PE- The application window is open for Summer Academy!  Please select the link to apply. The deadline is February 14, 2025. Additional information is located here!

  • Career Fair/Life Ready Expo! - We are looking for participants from ANY AND ALL professions for our Career Fair/Life Ready Day being held on Thursday, March 27, 2025, from 9:30-1:00 pm.  Click here to sign up. For questions, please contact Mrs. Jones, School Counseling Director at mmjones@henrico.k12.va.us.

  • Academic and Career Planning - School Counselors are currently meeting with students individually for Academic and Career Planning and will be verifying all course requests. We will update the incomplete course request at this time as well. Please contact your child's counselor if there are any questions.  

  • Cell Phones - The Commonwealth of Virginia has “Bell to Bell” cell phone restrictions for all students.  HHS will adhere to this policy.  Students are only allowed to have their phones out during class exchanges and lunches.  If a phone is seen outside of these times, it will be confiscated for the day. 

  • Winter Sports - As we enter the Winter Sports season, please remember that only students in “Good Standing” are allowed to attend events.  Parents are notified weekly of student status. Students must purchase a ticket online through GoFan and show their HHS ID to enter the contest. 

  • Macy’s Prom Event - Macy’s at Short Pump Town Center is hosting a prom event on Saturday, March 15, 2025, from 11 am to 5 pm.  They will have a prom fashion show, a DJ, a caricature artist, and more. There will be restaurant gift card giveaways and one lucky winner will receive the prom dress of choice. See the attached document for additional details!

  • FAFSA/GRASP - Advisor, Ms. Cox is ready to help you with your Financial Aid needs.  She will be at Hermitage on Tuesdays to meet with you to discuss financial aid and help create your FSA IDs.  Please select the link to sign up for a time to meet with Ms. Cox.

  • Panther Plus - If students need additional academic support, Panther Plus is our after-school tutoring program.  Please use the form to sign up for additional academic assistance.

  • Scholarships - Please view this link for scholarships and apply!  Additional Scholarships will be available in MajorClarity.  Scholarships will be updated throughout the school year.  

  • Student Drop-Off - Parents, please remember that student drop-off is at the stadium parking lot. The front parking lot will be blocked from moving forward as additional cars in front of the school disrupt the flow of school buses for students with special needs. 

  • HHS Parent/Student Handbook - Please view this document for the 24-25 school year as it contains pertinent information for the daily functions of the school setting.

  • Please join the PTSO!  Our Parent Teacher Student Organization supports various programs and provides resources for our school community.  Parents can join for only $7 and we appreciate your support!  Visit the PTSO site to join!

  • The Connection - Please visit the HCPS site to create accounts and gain access to PowerSchool, Lunch Account, and/or pay school fees.  

  • Seniors - Please visit the Jostens site to purchase items for Graduation!  Navigate the site and enter “Hermitage” for the school name to locate school-specific packages and pricing.

February 10-14  (Student Activities Calendar)

  • 2/10 - Day 1, 

  • 2/11 -  Day 2, HHS Safety Committee Meeting, HCPS Career Mega Sale

  • 2/12 - Day 1, HHS Community Forum @7:00

  • 2/13 - Day 2

  • 2/14 - Day 1, HHS All-Star Basketball, Moody Loves You Day! Online HPE Applications Due

  • 2/17 - 18 - Student Holidays

  • 2/28 - Black History Showcase

Additional information for this school year is forthcoming.  Stay safe, stay healthy, and Roll Pride!