Good afternoon, Panthers! Please view the updates and reminders for this week.
This also begins the extended school day. Students should check PowerSchool for their new AIRR Time class. If your Panther's work schedule is impacted by the 4:15 dismissal, please notify me at your earliest convenience.
March 4 & 5 | HHS Music Department will host two concerts this week in the auditorium!
| Community Forum - Please join us for our weekly Community Forum on Wednesday at 7:00 via Microsoft Teams. We will discuss all things Hermitage and hope to see you there! Microsoft Teams Need help? Meeting ID: 289 300 816 930 Passcode: jnfgBJ Dial in by phone +1 804-394-5753,,774889903# United States, Richmond Phone conference ID: 774 889 903# For organizers: Meeting options | Reset dial-in PIN |
| Spring Sport Parent Meeting We will host a Parent Meeting for all families of student athletes participating in Spring Sports on Thursday, March 6, at 5:00. We hope to see you there! |
HHS Yearbooks! Hermitage yearbooks are available for purchase through the following link: Yearbook Ordering Seniors, if you would like to purchase an AD in the yearbook, use the same link. Use the code GRADUATE for 10% off your Senior AD. | |
Library Announcement! - Please return all overdue books as we aim to increase circulation during the Spring! | |
March 11 | Hidden in Plain Sight @HHS, March 11, 5:30 Please join us for the free Henrico County community initiative to help educate parents on the possible signs of alcohol and other drug use by teens. A teenager’s bedroom is replicated to allow parents to learn about indicators of alcohol and other drug use. Discover how alcohol and other drugs can easily be hidden in a teenager’s bedroom and learn of ways to engage in proactive and healthy discussions to prevent risky behaviors. |
March 19 | HCPS Immunization Event @ HHS, March 19, 8:30 - 11:30 - Henrico County Public Schools and the Virginia Department of Health’s Richmond and Henrico Health Districts will hold a free vaccination clinic at each HCPS middle and high school to provide required vaccines for students entering seventh or 12th grade in 2025-26. No reservation is needed for the winter and spring clinics. Virginia requires students to be immunized against various illnesses to enroll for the new school year. Parents and guardians do not need to accompany students if a signed consent form has been returned. Immunization restrictions and requirements for 2025-26 enrollment:
Academic and Career Planning - School Counselors are currently meeting with students individually for Academic and Career Planning and will verify all course requests. We will update the incomplete course request at this time as well. Please contact your child's counselor if there are any questions. | |
March 15 | Macy’s Prom Event - Macy’s at Short Pump Town Center is hosting a prom event on Saturday, March 15, 2025, from 11 am to 5 pm. They will have a prom fashion show, DJ, a caricature artist, and more. There will be a restaurant gift card giveaway, and one lucky winner will receive the prom dress of choice. See the attached document for additional details! |
March 20 | NEW DATE FOR SENIOR CAP AND GOWN PICTURES - March 20th! Please pick up flyers from Ms. Beggs in room 135 if you would like to participate! |
March 27 | Career Fair/Life Ready Expo! - We are looking for participants from ANY AND ALL professions for our Career Fair/Life Ready Day being held on Thursday, March 27, 2025, from 9:30-1:00 pm. Click here to sign up. For questions, please contact Mrs. Jones, School Counseling Director, at |
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March 3 - 7 (Student Activities Calendar)
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Additional information for this school year is forthcoming. Stay safe, stay healthy, and Roll Pride!