Herm Updates from Dr. Jackson

Good morning, Panthers! Please view the updates and reminders for this week. Today is Day 1, and students will attend classes 1, 3, 5, and 7.   Please remember that we have an extended school day through March 26, and school hours are 9:00-4:15.

Congratulations to Hamza,  Fatima, Tanmayi, and Satya for battling against the top debaters at the Region 5C tournament on Saturday! Collectively, the team won several rounds, and the Public Forum Team of Tanmayi and Satya made it to the final rounds, earning a 3rd-place finish. Tanmayi and Satya will now move on to Super Regionals in two weeks. Roll Pride!

March 11

Hidden in Plain Sight @HHS, March 11, 5:30

Please join us for the free Henrico County community initiative to help educate parents on the possible signs of alcohol and other drug use by teens. A teenager’s bedroom is replicated to allow parents to learn about indicators of alcohol and other drug use. Discover how alcohol and other drugs can easily be hidden in a teenager’s bedroom and learn of ways to engage in proactive and healthy discussions to prevent risky behaviors.

March 12

Community Forum -  Please join us for our weekly Community Forum Wednesday at 7:00 via Microsoft Teams.  We will discuss all things Hermitage and hope to see you there!

Microsoft Teams Need help?

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Meeting ID: 289 300 816 930

Passcode: jnfgBJ

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Phone conference ID: 774 889 903#

For organizers: Meeting options | Reset dial-in PIN

March 14

Friday, March 14 is Pi Day.  Students in Mu Alpha Theta will challenge all students and staff during lunch to recite as many numbers as they can!

March 15

Macy’s Prom Event - Macy’s at Short Pump Town Center hosts a prom event on Saturday, March 15, 2025, from 11 am to 5 pm.  They will have a prom fashion show, DJ, a caricature artist and more. There will be restaurant gift card giveaways and one lucky winner will receive the prom dress of choice. See the attached document for additional details!

Partnership for the Future

Students are encouraged to complete the application to participate in Partnership for the Future as the Deadline is March 17.  All interested students should review the Partnership for the Future website and see Ms. Payne for  additional information

HHS Yearbooks!  Hermitage yearbooks are available for purchase through the following link: Yearbook Ordering

If you want to purchase an AD in the yearbook, you can use the same link. You can use the code GRADUATE for 10% off your Senior AD.

Library Announcement! - Please return all overdue books as we aim to increase circulation during the Spring!

March 19

HCPS Immunization Event @ HHS, March 19, 8:30 - 11:30 - Henrico County Public Schools and the Virginia Department of Health’s Richmond and Henrico Health Districts will hold a free vaccination clinic at each HCPS middle and high school to provide required vaccines for students entering seventh or 12th grade in 2025-26. No reservation is needed for the winter and spring clinics. Virginia requires students to be immunized against various illnesses to enroll for the new school year. Parents and guardians do not need to accompany students if a signed consent form has been returned.

Immunization restrictions and requirements for 2025-26 enrollment:

  • Meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MenACWY): Students must have at least two doses, the first administered before entering seventh grade and the final administered before entering 12th grade. Only rising seventh and 12th-grade students may receive vaccinations.

  • Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis vaccine (Tdap): The booster vaccine is required for students entering seventh grade and those entering 12th grade who have not received a dose of this vaccine after age 7. Students ages 11 or older may be vaccinated.

Academic and Career Planning: School Counselors are meeting with students individually for Academic and Career Planning and will be verifying all course requests. We will update incomplete course requests at this time as well. Please contact your child's counselor if there are any questions.  

March 20


Please pick up flyers from Ms. Beggs in room 135 if you want to participate!

March 27

Military Commitment Celebration

Henrico County Public Schools wants to celebrate students of the Class of 2025 who are making a commitment to the military after graduation. The school division will hold a recognition dinner in May for students who plan to enlist in the military, attend a military academy, or enroll in an ROTC program at a university. Students making a military commitment should complete this Google Survey to receive a formal invitation to the event being held in May. Students making this commitment should complete the survey by March 27, 2025. Anyone with questions can contact their school counselor or can email Mr. Stooks, who is organizing this event at djfstooks@henrico.k12.va.us

March 27

Career Fair/Life Ready Expo! - We are looking for participants from ANY AND ALL professions for our Career Fair/Life Ready Day being held on Thursday, March 27, 2025, from 9:30-1:00 pm.  Click here to sign up. For questions, please contact Mrs. Jones, School Counseling Director, at mmjones@henrico.k12.va.us.

  • Senior Yearbook Ad - Seniors if you would like to purchase an AD in the yearbook you can use the same link to do so. You can use the code GRADUATE for 10% off your Senior AD.

  • Scholarships - Please view this link of scholarships and apply!  Additional Scholarships will be available in MajorClarity.  Scholarships will be updated throughout the school year.

  • Seniors - Please visit the Jostens site to purchase items for Graduation!  Navigate the site and enter “Hermitage” for the school name to locate school-specific packages and pricing.

  • FAFSA/GRASP - Advisor, Ms. Cox, is ready to help you with your Financial Aid needs.  She will be at Hermitage on Tuesdays to meet with you to discuss financial aid and help create your FSA IDs.  Please select the link to sign up for a time to meet with Ms. Cox.

  • Senior Cap and Gown Photos - Rescheduled to March 20, 2025.

Please join the PTSO!  Our Parent Teacher Student Organization supports various programs and provides resources for our school community.  Parents can join for only $7, and we appreciate your support!  Visit the PTSO site to join!

April 13 

Panther Buddy Friendship Walk

Since 2009, more than 180,000 participants in 70 cities have walked to raise awareness for inclusion, friendship, leadership development, and integrated job opportunities for people with IDD. Funds raised through the Friendship Walk help move our mission forward by funding local Best Buddies programs. Every dollar raised goes towards making the world a more inclusive, accepting place

Please scan the QR Code to participate!

Summer Opportunities

Longwood’s Summer 2025 Dual Enrollment Economics and Personal Finance course will run from June 23 to July 26. Registration is scheduled to open on Monday, March 17, and closes on June 6. $50 Summer 2025 Longwood Dual Enrollment Flyer (includes a registration link and contact information).

Additionally, [LU] will once again offer a Fall 2025 course option. Please keep this in mind as you assist students with registration for next year. Fall registration opens in June, and the online course will run from August 25 to December 12. $50.  Additional details will be available in late Spring.  

KE CAMPS will be running a small program at the Lakeside Park Club in Richmond, VA, for children aged 4-12. The camp will operate Monday-Friday the weeks of 6/23, 7/7, 7/14, and 7/28.  Please note that all employees must be at least 16 years of age by the time that camp starts. Please visit KE CAMPS to apply!

If you're interested in attending a three-day summer enrichment program at Virginia Tech, formally known as the Hispanic College Institute, please visit the link below.  Contact Ms. Payne for additional information.

VALHEN College Institute

If you're interested in attending a three-day summer enrichment program at Virginia Tech, formally known as the Black College Institute,  please visit the link below.  Contact Ms. Payne for additional information.

Peddrew Yates Institute 

Class of 2026!

We are excited to invite rising seniors in the Richmond area to apply for this year’s Summer Institute on Leadership and Public Service. This immersive two-week program is designed to develop leadership skills through a blend of classroom instruction and hands-on experiences, including a structured leadership curriculum, internships, and collaborative problem-solving exercises. Each year, the Institute focuses on a theme relevant to the greater Richmond community, with this year’s emphasis on Social Justice.

The Summer Institute on Leadership and Public Service is committed to empowering high school students to become ethical leaders who understand the impact of public service and civic responsibility. By engaging with current social issues and working alongside peers from various backgrounds, students will gain the knowledge, skills, and connections needed to initiate change and make a lasting difference.

The Summer Institute on Leadership and Public Service will take place on the campus of St. Christopher’s School. The institute will take place June 9-20 (no session on June 19 in recognition of Juneteenth). Each student who completes the program will receive a stipend. 

Students, parents, and school administrators interested in learning more about this program can visit the St. Christopher’s Site

  • HHS Parent/Student Handbook - Please view this document for the 24-25 school year as it contains pertinent information for the daily functions of the school setting

  • Cell Phones - The Commonwealth of Virginia has “Bell to Bell” cell phone restrictions for all students.  HHS will adhere to this policy.  Students are only allowed to have their phones out during class exchanges and lunches.  If a phone is seen outside of these times, it will be confiscated for the duration of the day. 

  • Student Drop Off - Parents, please remember that student drop off is at the stadium parking lot. The front parking lot will be blocked from moving forward as additional cars in front of the school disrupt the flow of school buses for students with special needs.  

  • Panther Plus - In the event students need additional academic support, Panther Plus is our after-school tutoring program.  Please use the form to sign up for additional academic assistance. 

  • The Connection - Please visit the HCPS site to create accounts and gain access to PowerSchool, Lunch Account, and/or pay school fees.  

March 10-14  (Student Activities Calendar)

  • 3/10 - Day 1, HCPS Rubik’s Cube Competition

  • 3/11 - Day 2, Hidden in Plain Sight @5:30

  • 3/12 - Day 1, HHS Community Forum @ 7:00

  • 3/13- Day 2,  

  • 3/14 - Day 1, 

  • 3/15 - Panthers on Purpose 9:00-12:00

  • 3-26 - School Hours 9:00 - 4:15

  • 10 - HCPS Rubik’s Cube Competition

  • 11 - Hidden in Plain Sight @5:30

  • 15 - Panthers on Purpose Saturday School 9:00 - 12:00

  • 18-21- English 10 Writing Task

  • 19 - HCPS Immunization Event 8:30-11:30

  • 22 - Panthers on Purpose Saturday School 9:00 - 12:00

  • 25 Panther Learning Expo

Additional information for this school year is forthcoming.  Stay safe, stay healthy, and Roll Pride!